126 – SPARK an Emotional Connection in Your Workplace with Louis Carter

Louis Carter is CEO and President of the Best Practice Institute, a benchmark research consortium, association and management consulting firm. He is the author of multiple books including Change Champions, and Best Practices in Talent Management. He has lectured at universities and institutions worldwide and has appeared in Fast Company, Investor’s Business Daily, Business Watch Magazine and more. His newest book is In Great Company: How to Achieve Peak Performance by Creating an Emotionally Connected Workplace.

Louis Carter

Top Takeaways: SPARK an Emotional Connection in Your Workplace with Louis Carter

  • Create a community that really enjoy being together
  • Knowledge transfer to enable companies to be self-sufficient
  • Emotional connection in business digs into the real work in business – discover ways to align values, respect others, and collaborate
  • Five essential elements to emotional connection
    • S – Systemic Collaboration
    • P – Positive Future
    • A – Alignment of values
    • R – Respect
    • K – Killer achiever outcome
  • People who are not emotionally connected in your business
    • 2% leave
    • 98% stay but are disengaged and collect a paycheck with half effort
  • People do not stay in your company for compensation, benefits, they stay because of SPARK
  • The number one concern in the workplace should be respect
  • Respect equation – R = R – respect is a virtual circle – You must respect others in order to be respected

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: In Great Company: How to Spark Peak Performance By Creating an Emotionally Connected Workplace by Louis Carter

Leadership Superpower: Problem Solver

Motivational Mantra:

[shareable]Let it go, Life is Good (Let go of the things you think you know and the greatest good will come to you) [/shareable]

Book Most Often Gifted: What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: A Round Table Comic: How Successful People Become Even More Successful Comics by Marshall Goldsmith

Additional Items Mentioned

Lou’s website: https://louiscarter.com/

Check Out: https://www.bestpracticeinstitute.org/


About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.