129 – Intentionally Surround Yourself With Greatness with Don Yaeger

Don Yaeger is an award-winning motivational speaker and an 11-time New York Times Bestselling author. He started his career as an editor at Sports Illustrated and now speaks with Fortune 500 companies on leadership, company culture, and staying passionate. Most recently, he launched an online Master course which includes lessons he learned from some of the top athletes in the world.

Don Yaeger

Top Takeaways: Intentionally Surround Yourself With Greatness with Don Yaeger

  • Develop relationships – learn MORE about people than just the basics
  • Don’t ask the same questions as everyone else – how much more can you study about a person or a customer before you meet them
  • Research and be prepared – find the one place that is not commonly known in their business – allows you to establish a comfort level
  • Talk about things that are important to your customers – draw them closer with information that shows you have taken time to get to know them
  • Look for the most non-public information that is closest to them to create a comfort level
  • Most people “put on a show” w/ social media
  • Teams that are supportive and on the same page make projects successful
  • Think daily about every major project – what did I do today to make it happen
  • Learn to be present – consciously shut down the business for time to connect with the family or hobbies
  • All of us are in the grind – we like to fantasize that others have unique talents or things that make them “special”
  • You will never outperform your inner circle – look at the people you give your time to
  • Intentionally build and define your circle – what can I give them, what are they giving to me
  • The value of your associations is one of the greatest indicators of what you’re becoming
  • Mentoring is a two-way growth opportunity – when you help others you also are helping yourself
  • The day you stop growing is the day you die
  • Seek feedback and grow daily

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace by John C. Maxwell

Leadership Superpower: Help other people tell their story – allow the world to get to know people

Motivational Mantra:

[shareable cite=”John Wooden”]Make each day your masterpiece. You string a few of them together you get a masterpiece week – Most of us want to live a masterpiece life but we don’t want to work at having a masterpiece day[/shareable]

Book Most Often Gifted: Intentional Living: Choosing a Life That Matters by John C. Maxwell

Additional Items Mentioned

Don’s website which includes free presentations, workbook, courses, coaching: donyeager.com

Don’s books: Found Here

About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.