136 – Superconsumers and Drivers of Category Growth with Eddie Yoon

Eddie Yoon is the founder of EddieWouldGrow, a think tank and advisory firm on growth strategy. He’s the author of the book Superconsumers: A Simple, Speedy, & Sustainable Path to Superior Growth, published by the Harvard Business Review, which was named one of the top business books of 2017 by Strategy + Business. He has written over 100 articles in HBR, has appeared on CNBC and MSNBC and given keynote talks around the world.

Eddie Yoon

Top Takeaways: Superconsumers and Drivers of Category Growth with Eddie Yoon

  • The 6th grade writing assignment that got Eddie on the podcast
  • The yellow balloon You by Audrey Joon
  • Who could “the man” be? Is she writing about me?
  • Am I a workaholic and what is it costing me? Can I confront this before someone confronts me?
  • Today, you need a multimedia version way of gripping your shoulder, shaking out of your stupor
  • Superconsumers- the MacGyver consumers within your category
  • Is it one or the other- is there a third option? A “Both” “And” solution
  • I didn’t set out to write a book
  • The only reason to write a new book is if you can’t sleep at night
  • Maybe having a compass will work better than a GPS. Know your Northstar
  • Action, even imperfect action, will move you forward. Get you moving
  • Most companies growth strategy is “take market share from my competitor” a tug of war
  • Lifting the tide of all boats is the strategy to lifting your boat
  • Grow the category to drive revenue growth
  • There are always a rational, emotional, and aspirational reason people do what they do
  • Identify the people on the extremes of your client base
  • A superconsumer is somebody who has figured out a category can be so much more than it seems
  • If you are a superconsumer of one category you end up being a superconsumer of 9 other categories
  • Podcasting is perfect for a multitasker
  • Tell me your superconsumer origin story
  • We thought it was a competitor, it was actually a complementor

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: Doing What Matters: How to Get Results That Make a Difference – The Revolutionary Old-School Approach by James M. Kilts

Leadership Superpower: Problem Solver

Motivational Mantra:

[shareable cite=”Shunryu Suzuki”]In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few[/shareable]

Book Most Often Gifted:

Additional Items Mentioned

Eddie’s website: eddiewouldgrow.com






Superconsumers: A Simple, Speedy, and Sustainable Path to Superior Growth by Eddie Yoon


About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.