Valued, Wanted, Welcome Belonging at Work

Shawn Murphy has nearly thirty years of consulting experience and advising companies on implementing organizational and culture change. He was handpicked to be part of IBM’s New Way to Work futurist group and was recently named one of Inc.’s “Top 100 Leadership Speakers”. Shawn is the Director of Organizational Development and Workplace Trends at Bluescape, a Silicon Valley startup and his new book, Work Tribes: The Surprising Secret to Breakthrough Performance, Astonishing Results, and Keeping Teams Together, is on shelves now.

Shawn Murphy

Top Takeaways: Valued, Wanted, Welcome Belonging at Work with Shawn Murphy

  • Valued, Wanted, Welcome: Belonging at Work
  • Work tribes- the cohesiveness we feel when we find our tribe
  • How do our human needs fit into the work environment?
  • How do we do our best work alongside our tribe?
  • How do you make that time without family and friends extraordinary?
  • Add tremendous value to your day, your health and your relationships
  • I have a different emotional attachment to my company than my employees have
  • How do I create an experience for my employees that excites them to come to work?
  • Shaping the employee experience to get people excited about work
  • As a leader, we shape the day to day experiences of our team members
  • The elements of belonging are being valued, wanted, and welcome
  • Show and tell for businesses and employee belonging
  • The team bought into the vision and the mission the leader created.
  • Constantly reinforcing the mission
  • Valued: My contributions are expressly acknowledged
  • Wanted: acknowledged as a human, not just as an employee
  • Welcome: I feel like I have a place in this organization
  • True belonging understands that we all have different personalities, needs and energy levels
  • There is such a thing as “too much” belonging
  • How to make people feel valued, wanted, and welcome in a virtual environment?

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

Leadership Superpower: Adaptable

Motivational Mantra:

[shareable]Seek first to understand, then to be understood[/shareable]

Book Most Often Gifted: The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner

Additional Items Mentioned

Work Tribes: The Surprising Secret to Breakthrough Performance, Astonishing Results, and Keeping Teams Together by Shawn Murphy

Shawn’s Website:


About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.