22 Things You Didn’t Know About Me & Likely Wouldn’t Expect

I love podcasts…that’s not a confession, just an opening… and you likely already knew that. This week I was listening to one of my favorite podcasters, Pat Flynn, and he commented that he used to see a lot of people who would every so often throw out a fun lighthearted blogpost – something like “22 Things You Didn’t Know and Expect About Me”. He continued that he hadn’t seen many of those recently. I thought it would be fun to try. And it was….but it was also pretty hard to come up with 22 things. I feel like I’m a pretty open book and most people who have listened to my podcast or get my email updates already know a lot about me. Plus I share quite a bit on my About Me page. I hope you enjoy this little peek behind the curtain and getting to know me a tiny bit better as I share the 22 things you didn’t know and wouldn’t expect about me:

Family Hike

  1. I am terrible at first person video games. Pretty much any video game where I have to compete head to head with another human I get destroyed. I used to be pretty good at 1 player games like Super Mario Brothers but competition games like NHL 2007 (which I still have and every once in a while play) I need to set the computer skill level to “rookie”
  2. I listen to all different kinds of music and it is hard for me to choose just 1 specific genre. I mostly consume audiobooks and podcasts. I listen at 2x speed because I have so many that I am dying to get through. I typically can’t “not finish” a book. Once I start I feel compelled to finish regardless of how uninspiring it is. When I do listen to music its mostly random Pandora.
  3. On my About Me page I share that my favorite movie is Big Fish. But, I don’t share that very close behind at favorites #2 and #3 are Christopher Nolan movies (The Dark Knight and Inception)
  4. I hate to shop. I guess that’s not too surprising. When we went to New York City my wife wanted to check out Macy’s and a gaggle of fabric stores in SoHo. I hated it. But I do like to eat. The part I loved about New York City was all the different places we could eat, the different styles, cultures and most importantly the eating atmosphere.
  5. I was fired from the midnight – 6am shift at a local radio station- When I was a freshman in college I got my dream job. I was the weekend DJ for a local radio station. The job was a dream but the music I had to play was rough- elevator music- Lady in Red stuff. One weekend I went to school all day Friday, worked that evening at my 2nd job, worked the midnight to 6 shift at the station, went back to job #2 at 7am Saturday morning and put in 12 hours, went to get a bite with some friends, headed back to the station midnight-6, back to job #2 at 7am Sunday and another 12 hours. Monday was a holiday which meant I had the midnight to 6am Monday morning too (usually I only worked Sat. morning, Sun. Morning shifts). Well- when I got home Sunday night from job #2 I laid down to get a couple hours rest and when I woke up Monday morning at 9am I knew I was in trouble. Yikes- not pretty. But it was the last time that I missed a day (or night as it were) of work.
  6. When I was 6 years old my mom made a homemade cabbage patch doll for my little sister. I asked if I could have one too. So at 6 years old I had my very own homemade cabbage patch doll that I named after my favorite college football quarterback.
  7. My most favorite vacation spot- As you know I love to relax and lounge. So it may come as no surprise that my favorite vacation would have a fair amount of lounging. But I am also an adventure junkie and love to be active. So my favorite vacation is to rent a house boat and spend a week in the sun fishing, wakeboarding, barbequing and sitting around.
  8. I almost made it to the top of the Grand Teton in Jackson Hole WY. It was always a dream of mine to climb to the top of the Grand. My wife has done it and I hadn’t. Motivation! We spent a couple days back in 2005 trying to get to the top but had to turn back when the lightning got so bad my trekking poles started to buzz with electricity. It was cold and rainy but we almost made it….some day!
  9. So you know I love to eat and eat out. My favorite restaurant is a little hole in the wall called Italian Village. They serve the best calzone… pepperoni, ham and Canadian bacon… yes please!
  10. I got stitches in a foreign country with a fishing hook and fishing line (and I have the scar to prove it) – A friend of mine and I were scuba diving in the Philippines back in 2001 and I crashed a motorcycle on the small island of Buswanga. I needed stitches in my arm and in my leg but the hotel owner warned us about the sanitary condition of the small clinic. So, she recommended a retired doctor living up the street and we enlisted his help. No pain killers involved- just bite down on this towel…. Great story though.
  11. My oldest child is named Averi- I love her name and she is a great kid (biased parent warning). We got her name from a freeway exit in Mission Viejo, CA. While my wife and I were in school (in San Diego) we often drove up to the Bay Area to visit her parents. Each time we did we had to pass Avery Parkway and we just loved the name. We had never gotten off at the exit or knew anything about it but the name stuck and became my daughter’s. When Averi was 2 I was on a business trip in Southern California and pulled off the road at Avery Parkway to call my wife- just to say I had done it.IMG_1428
  12. I have always had an entrepreneurial mindset and in 2008 I formed Outdoor Princess LLC to create and sell outdoor recreation products for girls age 5-15 (I have 2 daughters in that age bracket). While we don’t currently do anything with Outdoor Princess I have dreams of letting my girls cut their entrepreneurial teeth with it. We will see- should be fun.
  13. I am not spontaneous. I am analytical. I have a really hard time when friends call and say “hey we’re headed {golfing, surfing, movie…] you coming?” I need to plan and prepare. I need to analyze and stew. I need at least 24 hours before I can do anything “spur of the moment”.
  14. When I was in high school my favorite band was The Doors. I owned every album, like 17, and read every book I could get my hands on. I still like the Doors and listen occasionally but the obsession has passed. I did see Robby Kreiger live once which was pretty cool. My favorite song was The Soft Parade from the album with the same name.
  15. My first crush was the princess on the Neverending Story. I can’t even remember her name and I am not sure if she was in anything else. It was 1984, I was 6.
  16. My all-time favorite book changes often. Depending on what I am reading and what cycle my life and passions are in. Currently my favorite nonfiction is Smartcuts and my favorite fiction is Atlas Shrugged.
  17. When I was 18 I made the travel hockey team in my home town. I was a lightweight and the coach told me he would put me in the game when I gained 10 pounds. I was so naïve about health that I spent a month drinking Coke and eating Sour Patch Kids thinking that would do the trick. I lost weight.
  18. I cannot fall asleep in a movie. Something about the colors or sounds keeps me awake no matter how tired I am and how terrible the movie is.
  19. My favorite dessert is Starburst Jelly Beans. I don’t really like cake or brownies and I can’t stand chocolate (weird huh?) but I love chewy, fruity candy. I cannot go camping without bringing a bag of jelly beans. I pour them directly into my pocket and eat until the bags gone. Plus I don’t have to share.
  20. When I graduated from high school my dream was to move to New York and work as a venture capitalist or investment banker. So glad that didn’t work out.
  21. I love to mow the lawn and work in my yard. When we lived in Arizona we had a big yard with a lot to work on and I loved it. Here in San Jose the yard is small with not as much to do. Someday we will have a big yard again.
  22. And Finally, I hate parking lots. Is there a medical term for that? The more crowded the worse I get. I often park way out in the distance and walk in just so I don’t have to deal with the stress and chaos of parking. My wife thinks I am weird, and I am a little, but that is one thing I just hate.

Well there you have it, 22 things that you likely didn’t know about me. Pat was right, this was fun to do. I hope that you enjoy it. Send me a message on Twitter. It is always great to connect. Have a great week and see you on Thursday (in the podcast)

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About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.