109 – 9 Steps to a Perfect Sales Strategy with Phil Newton

Have you noticed this trend- people are working more, longer days, earlier mornings? It’s not new, we’ve seen this trend for at least the last 30 years. When we go to networking events or connect with friends- what’s the first thing people say? I’m so busy, I’m working so much, I’m slammed. I am often guilty of this. But, does it have to be this way?

Today’s guest, Phil Newton, says no. He takes the underpaid and overworked and helps them free up time, focus their offer and find their most fabulous client. He helps them Unhustle. Phil is the owner of an investment company who knows what it means to work himself to death. And why it is important to work smarter and enjoy life. He used to work 14+ hours a day until he discovered a predictable process to find, filter and sort new clients. His mission is to spread the idea of Unhustle- the art of doing less while earning more.

Phil Newton

Top Takeaways: 9 Steps to a Perfect Sales Strategy with Phil Newton

  • Working more/early mornings – Slammed with work?  Does it have to be that way?
  • No – learn to UNhustle
  • Work smarter and enjoy life
  • The Art of UNHustle – the art of doing more while working less
  • The myth many still subscribe to is that if you work hard and long hours you will eventually get something you want and be rewarded for it –
  • You might not know what you’re looking for but we’ve bought into being first one in and last one out will project us forward
  • Phil’s goal is to “Take the underpaid and overworked and help them to free up time to focus on their offer and find their most fabulous client”
  • High pressure sales is causing us to work harder, longer and more stressful – maybe we need to reframe the sale – how do we convince someone to do something – can you join them on their journey before you even start the conversation? The goal is to determine whether we are a good fit….NOT to win the deal
  • No sale should be a manipulation
  • The sale isn’t always about buying your service but maybe it is to determine that it ISN’T a good deal
  • Do we continue to “flog a dead horse”?

Strategic Steps to a better Sale (ITS ALL ABOUT THE QUESTIONS):

  1. Build rapport – before you try to drive for a sale – look for the right opportunity – set the tone for the conversation – be yourself
  2. Agenda – use to break down the barriers and start by asking permission to ask questions – involve them in the conversation – quick review of what you plan to cover and at the end figure out where to go next. Make sure it’s the right time for them to discuss your options
  3. Why Me? Why Now? – what is the current situation, questions should bridge the gaps – what is the problem we are trying to solve?  Where does it hurt?
  4. Results – what are they looking for?
  5. Reality – where are we today and what will it take to get to the results
  6. Find the pain point – what is holding them back? Fear of not knowing how to solve the problem. If you don’t deal with the fears and pain points at this time you will end up with objections.  Continue to loop through these questions until they are confident that they are part of the solution
  7. What does the future look like without the current problem? Layer on the emotional contact don’t just focus on the tactical.  Act as a counselor and really listen – draw on the stories of your business on how you’ve helped people in their similar situation.  What do you plan to do next?  Let the conversation flow so you get their point of view but nudge it along by your questions.   You must paint the picture so they come to the natural decision themselves that you can help them.  Continue to ask what the REAL reason for their concern, objections, hesitations.  Finally ask them for help in understanding better what their situation is
  8. Are you 100% certain? – make sure they take a step back and assess the conversation and are completely confident that they want to say yes on your opportunity. Are you absolutely sure?  Help them step over the finish line and say YES – maintain ethical standards – we can only do our best work when you are 100%
  9. Suggest – what do you think we should do next? Let them tell you they are ready to move forward because they feel you have heard them, listened to their questions, addressed their concerns

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: Tier One by Brian Andrews & Jeffrey Wilson

Niche Down: How To Become Legendary By Being Different by Christopher Lochhead

Leadership Superpower: Problem Solving Leader – identify the problem so you can identify the solution

Motivational Mantra:[shareable]Always be prepared to change your mind, with new information[/shareable]

Additional Items Mentioned

Unhustled Website


About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.