Eliminate Your Scarcity Mentality

Someone knocked over a drink. Surprise? Not really; it happens every pizza night. My kids aren’t clumsy, they just have a scarcity mentality. We love pizza over here (my son’s favorite song “I love pizza more than you”, a song he made up; he’s five). The scarcity mindset drives them to inhale their pizza and fight for the final slice. Someone always walks away in tears. Silly and immature, we can always get more pizza.

How many of us go through life with the same scarcity mentality?

A scarcity mindset is convinced that opportunities, resources, promotions, and success are limited; there just isn’t enough to go around. Forcing feelings that you must get yours before it runs out. This type of thinking leads to fear, failure, unhappiness and insecurity; characterized as a belief in the existence of too much competition, not enough money, uncontrollable environments and comparison.

Scarcity focuses on:

  • The short term
  • Jealousy & unhealthy competition
  • Limiting views of growth
  • Unwillingness to share credit or recognition
  • Insecurity, pessimism and small thinking
  • Materialism & a fear of missing out (fomo)

An Abundant Mindset

Alternatively, the abundance mentality recognizes that opportunity, like air, are limitless; plenty to go around. Abundant leaders concentrate on what they want to accomplish, even if it appears impossible. If only I could help my kids understand there will always be more pizza.

Abundance focuses on:

  • The big picture, the long term
  • Collaborative opportunities to progress
  • There is more __________ where that came from
  • Building trust & rapport
  • Optimism, service & giving
  • Finding happiness in the success of others

Commitment and Motivation

Ideas and opportunities are not scarce, they are abundant. Yet few act on their inspirations. It isn’t a lack of ideas, rather a lack of motivation and commitment. Unlimited excuses begin to surface; too busy, no funds, too much competition, no time, etc. Success begins between your ears, it starts with mindset.

scarcity Mentality

6 Steps to an Abundant Mindset

  1. Reduce media consumption – conscious media consumption (including social) is imperative. So much is negative, a continuous parade of failure, hate and depravity creating unhealthy competition, lowered self-esteem and fear others will steal your success. This is not representative of your reality. Recognize that equal promotion is not given to stories of abundance and positivity. They do exist.
  2. Give-Share-Serve – giving starts the receiving process. Turning your focus outward draws opportunities toward you. In life, you get back what you send out. Start by serving with no expectation of return and be surprised at the return. Help others achieve their dreams.
  3. Stop comparing – recognize that the experiences your friends, coworkers and others appear to be having are often the “Photoshop” version, not the real challenges. Celebrate their success but don’t compare.
  4. Commit to work for it – “opportunity is missed by most people,” as Thomas Edison famously said, “because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. Anything worthwhile is going to take commitment, sacrifice, dedication and intention. Abundance exists for those willing to commit to work for it.
  5. Don’t fear failure – failure is an event and a mindset, not a person. It is not permanent. Never permit fear to obscure opportunity. Ask, “what is the worst thing that could happen” (really happen). Often, very little. Take a step into the unknown confident you will be able to see further. Look for positives in failure as stepping stones to your next victory. Sometimes we win and sometimes we learn (tweet that).
  6. See opportunity – Make the choice to see opportunity, to expect opportunity. Like buses, another will be coming shortly. The choice to have an abundant mindset is within.

Abundance and Scarcity

The scarcity mentality causes sufferers to accept things as they are, not as they can be. This thinking will not benefit your dreams. To be successful, focus on building trust and working collaboratively. If you support others in their journey to accomplishment, you will be rewarded with abundant opportunities.

About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.