ML100 – Celebrate with Otto Scharmer Rabbi Lapin Whitney Johnson Steve Shallenberger & Scott Beebe

100 episodes- can you believe it. This week I dive back in with 5 of my favorite guests. Otto Scharmer of MIT, America’s Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Whitney Johnson (Disrupt Yourself), Steve Shallenberger (Becoming Your Best) & Scott Beebe, small business guru

celebrate with Otto

Top Takeaways: Celebrate with Otto Scharmer Rabbi Lapin Whitney Johnson Steve Shallenberger & Scott Beebe

  • Living in a time Cultural war on wealth
  • 1st criticism of leadership – seen as a feature of a person, rarely an organization or system
  • 2nd criticism of leadership – it’s hierarchical
  • 3rd criticism of leadership – It’s missing the purpose
  • We live in a moment of disruption
  • Leadership is moving beyond your own bubble
  • We won’t be guilted into motivation
  • A draw of motivation- we don’t guilt people in to getting better (progress). We work with heroes enticed out of apathy
  • We aren’t preaching the gospel of ease
  • Non-negotiables of small business
  • Small business non-negotiable 1- A written vision story (written down – specificity)
  • Where there is no vision, the people scatter
  • Write the vision down Habakkuk 2:2
  • Run towards it or run from it
  • Small business non-negotiable 2- A team meeting structure
  • Becoming Your Best: The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders
  • What separates a high performing organization from the rest?
  • You can learn to create a highly successful business.
  • Live the golden rule in business and life
  • Highly successful leaders lead with an inspiring vision
  • 7 principles of the S-Curve of Learning 1- Identify the right kind of risk in hiring
  • Time plus competence equals boredom
  • You’ll only be one learning curve for, at most, four years
  • 7 principles of the S-Curve of Learning 2- Play to your distinctive strengths
  • 7 principles of the S-Curve of Learning 3- Willingness to impose thoughtful constraints
  • 7 principles of the S-Curve of Learning 4- Embattling Entitlement
  • 7 principles of the S-Curve of Learning 5- Willingness to step back in order to move forward
  • 7 principles of the S-Curve of Learning 6- Give failure its due
  • Failure is an event, not a person
  • 7 principles of the S-Curve of Learning 7- Be discovery driven
  • The scariest part of the learning S-Curve is the top

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself by Mike Michalowicz

Leadership Superpower: Adaptability

Motivational Mantra:

Don’t measure people by success rather by effort

Adam Grant

Book Most Often Gifted:

Book Most Often Gifted: Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success by Adam M. Grant Ph.D.

Additional Items Mentioned

Episode 77: Otto Scharmer – Link

Episode 14: Rabbi Daniel Lapin – Link

Episode 24 & 76: Whitney Johnson – Link Ep 76 & Link Ep 24

Episode 71: Steve Shallenberger – Link

Episode 40: Scott Beebe – Link

About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.