ML73 – Short Term Squirm with the Accidental Mentor Mary Shores

If you don’t know Mary Shores, you soon will. She is everywhere, HuffPo, Chicken Soup for The Soul Entertainment, and Entrepreneur on Fire…….And…… she is the author of Conscious Communications, a step by step guide to harnessing the power of words.

Like many of us, Mary has had to ride the rollercoaster of life, with its ups and downs. But she overcame her early struggles and built an 8-figure business by age 24. She is an expert in personal development, but is not a Life Coach, she is a Shark Tank style CEO and business woman. Mary blends her personal experience with neuroscience to guide businesses and individuals to defeat the freak-out and create their ideal life.

Mary Shores

Top Takeaways: Short Term Squirm with the Accidental Mentor Mary Shores

  • A Shark Tank style CEO
  • Having my own business gave me freedom
  • Being an entrepreneur is much different from being an employee
  • The short-term squirm versus long term sacrifice
  • Business owners are not just owners, they are investors in their business
  • My business was built on a mission
  • Words are a mirror to your subconscious programming
  • Like it or not, sales is an important part of every business
  • Every word you say creates a deeper connection or divides the relationship
  • Sales is just aligning needs
  • Anything we desire is within our ability, we just have to put it on our menu
  • What needs to be true for my goal to come to fruition?
  • Everything you create from a place of empowerment with show up smarter, faster, better
  • Are you problem conscious or solution conscious as a manager?

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: The Perfect Close: The Secret To Closing Sales – The Best Selling Practices & Techniques For Closing The Deal by James Muir

Leadership Superpower: The ability to see someone else’s superpower

Book Most Often Gifted: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

Additional Items Mentioned

Conscious Communications: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Harnessing the Power of Your Words to Change Your Mind, Your Choices, and Your Life by Mary Shores

Mary’s website:

About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.