Ed Muzio is the CEO of Group Harmonics and an award-winning three-time author. An expert in the scientific study of measuring and modifying human behavior. he is a sought-after consultant to business and industry worldwide and a popular media source. His mantra is “higher output, lower stress, sustainable growth” and his new His new book is Iterate: Run a Fast, Flexible, Focused Management Team.

Top Takeaways: 5 Key Practices of Iterative Management with Ed Muzio
- Enjoyable, personal, upbeat interactions
- Iteration: every piece of information adjusts our course
- Keep adjusting our information towards our goals to stay on track
- Free to make decisions based on experience, exercise your own discretion
- As management, we need to get information early and often, careful not to stifle the flow of information from the bottom up
- Practice 1 of iterative management: output status broadcasting
- Practice 2 of iterative management: work preview meetings
- Practice 3 of iterative management: group decision making
- Practice 4 of iterative management: linked teams
- Practice 5 of iterative management: front line self sufficiency
- The “decider” does wait to be told, but taught
- The more we can get people to run on their own, the more efficient we will be
- Agility beats planning
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Learning From Leaders:
Current Book: The Insightful Leader: Find Your Leadership Superpowers, Crush Limiting Beliefs, and Abolish Self-Sabotaging Behaviors by Carlann Fergusson
Station Eleven: A novel by Emily St. John Mandel
Leadership Superpower: Analytic adaptability
Motivational Mantra:
You can’t bake a pie 1 slice at a time
William R Daniels
Book Most Often Gifted:
Book most often gifted: Practicing Peace in Times of War: A Buddhist Perspective by Pema Chodron
Additional Items Mentioned
Ed’ website: Iteratenow.com