Bob Dusin & Sue Bingham. Sue is the founder of the HPWP Group- helping organizations create high performance work environments through building trust. After years in aerospace, an industry notorious for controlling leadership styles, she recognized that her companies’ HR practices had evolved in response to the misbehavior of a few bad employees resulting in lowered morale for the “good employees”
Bob is a partner at HPWP and spent the early part of his career in civil engineering and construction. He, along with Sue, are the co-authors of Creating the High Performance Workplace: It’s not complicated to develop a culture of commitment.

Top Takeaways: Creating High Performance Workplaces with Bob Dusin & Sue Bingham
- Relentless forward movement
- Too many HR policies are about catching just 1 bad apple
- Are we encouraging our people not to think anymore?
- It’s not about treating people the some, it’s about treating them fairly.
- Give people what they need to be successful
- It’s impossible to treat unequal things equal
- Leadership problem today is a lack of trust and positive assumptions about people
- Don’t promote, develop first
- A big part of the role of a leader is developing people
- Hire for attributes, train for skills
- Leaders have a choice to continue in a traditional way or create a change
- High performance work places are not complicated, but require a decision to be intentional
- 5% principles- someone who wants to do as little as possible and get away with as much as possible
- Remove 5%ers from your organization as fast as you can
- Efficient versus adaptable
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Learning From Leaders:
Current Book: Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by General Stanley McChrystal
Leadership Superpower:Openness, accepting and trust
Motivational Mantra:
Treat people like a neighbor that you like
Ken Bingham
Doing the right thing is always the right thing
Ken Bingham
Book Most Often Gifted: Goodnight Moon Board by Margaret Wise Brown
Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
Additional Items Mentioned
High Performance Work Place Website
Creating the High Performance Work Place: It’s Not Complicated to Develop a Culture of Commitment by Bob Dusin & Sue Bingham