108- Sense and Respond with Jeff Gothelf

Jeff Gothelf helps organizations build better products and executives build the cultures that build better products. He is the co-author of the award-winning book Lean UX and the Harvard Business Review Press book Sense & Respond. Jeff works as a coach, consultant and keynote speaker helping companies bridge the gaps between business agility, digital transformation, product management and human-centered design.

Jeff Gothelf

Top Takeaways: Sense and Respond with Jeff Gothelf

  • Overpaid and unemployable fear (become overhead and expendable)
  • Younger, ready to do the job better at ¼ of salary
  • Never look for a job again….the job would find me
  • World is changing quickly – Intention critical to where you are going
  • Create a public persona – write/blogs/material out there
  • Test/try/adjust – don’t be perfect just develop habit of getting ideas out there
  • Sense the need then create action to respond to it
  • Continuous uncertainty – no matter what business you’re in you are first and foremost in the software business – leverage technology to scale
  • Prediction management doesn’t make sense due to pace of change happening so fast
  • Command and control model no longer works – the boss doesn’t have all the answers
  • Position yourself in front of the wave – being prepared helps you position yourself where you stand a greater chance of success
  • Embracing the fact that your prediction may be wrong allows is one of the key qualities for modern leadership
  • Businesses grow at the speed of decisions
  • Continuous learning – be always curious about the next thing – build in the learning loops
  • Build a culture of continuous learning and development – make it ok to change direction based on learnings
  • Plan for change – measure of success for any initiative is not the deployment but the outcome which confirms good execution

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders by L. David Marquet

Leadership Superpower:Laugh at Everything – respond by not taking things so seriously – diffuses tense situations

Motivational Mantra:

Do Less, More Often

Book Most Often Gifted:

Book Most Often Gifted: The Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results by Stephen Bungay

Additional Items Mentioned

Lean UX: Designing Great Products with Agile Teams by Jeff Gothelf

Sense and Respond: How Successful Organizations Listen to Customers and Create New Products Continuously by Jeff Gothelf

Jeff’s Website: https://www.jeffgothelf.com/

About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.