152 – The Inner Game of Excellence with Valerio Pascotto

Valerio Pascotto is the co-founder of IGEOS (eye jee-os), which he built together with Tim Gallwey (author of Inner Game of Tennis and other Inner Game books). IGEOS serves as a resource for global business leaders to strengthen their teams’ passion for excellence and create a workplace consonant with human values.

Valerio is also a Senior Partner at Illustra, where he leads his team in designing and delivering workshops and coaching for leadership performance optimization. Valerio has a Doctoral Degree in Psychology from Pepperdine University and is a licensed psychologist practicing in marriage, family, and child counseling. He is an official member of the Forbes Coaches Council, inspiring readers around the world through articles on change management, team-building, and leadership performance.

Valerio Pascotto

Top Takeaways: The Inner Game of Excellence with Valerio Pascotto

  • We weren’t interested in risk; we created a simulator for teams to work together
  • Business can be a force for good
  • Business can still be profitable while making a difference in our community
  • Unfortunately, in business, the default mindset is often “what’s in it for me”
  • Through curiosity, not coercion helping teams to work together
  • What works in mindset, moving people from takers to givers
  • Investing in and practicing a team mindset is much more rewarding
  • Is there a difference in offensive and defensive “what’s in it for me”?
  • Part of breaking down “what’s in it for me” is building up confidence within that person
  • There is a lot more confidence when I work with strength
  • Uncomfortability creates action
  • Hire for mindset, attitude, and train for skill
  • Quality of leadership defined by accountability
  • Accountability is the ability to be counted on
  • It is easy to listen to respond, much harder to listen to understand

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth by Amy C. Edmondson

Movie: Easy Rider & One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Leadership Superpower: Influencing

Motivational Mantra:

[shareable cite=”Antoine de Saint Exupery”]If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea[/shareable]

Book Most Often Gifted: Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success by Adam Grant

Additional Items Mentioned

Valerio’s website: igeos.net


About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.