139 – Fearless Success Beyond High Performance with Blue Angel Pilot John Foley

John Foley is a former lead solo pilot of the Blue Angels, a Sloan Fellow at Stanford Graduate School of Business, a venture capitalist, and an expert in the “how” of high-performance teams. Recognized as one of the top 10 most in-demand keynote speakers, he has worked with over 1,000 organizations across the globe to create and sustain excellence in the face of dynamic change. His new book is Fearless Success: Beyond High Performance.

What does it means to be a Blue Angel? 4,000 climbers have scaled earth’s highest point, Mount Everest. 536 astronauts’ have journeyed to outer space, that’s worldwide. But since 1946, only 257 pilots have worn the gold helmet and flown as Blue Angels, less than .01%.

John Foley

Top Takeaways: Fearless Success Beyond High Performance with Blue Angel Pilot John Foley

  • Becoming a Blue Angel in my mind at age 12.
  • Finding success involves connecting the heart and the head
  • Life always prevents challenges- I need a plan B to get to my dream
  • As a leader, instill a culture that extends beyond yourself
  • A purpose larger than yourself is a center point for leaders
  • Purpose leadership is teaching in addition to leading
  • When you are a leader who has actually done it, you increase your level of credibility
  • Creating a Blue Angel maneuver that has never been done
  • Just hearing it is awesome, it’s crazy
  • There is a difference between knowledge, understanding, and wisdom
  • 9 times I have nearly died
  • Nearly dying creates a recognition of the beauty and miracle of life
  • “Glad to be here” belief in life
  • How dangerous is this? “It’s not dangerous, it’s inherently unforgiving”
  • There is a difference between scared and afraid- I’ve been scared a lot
  • When you become afraid, you lose focus
  • At an elite level, fundamentals matter
  • It’s always “no” until you ask
  • Small things matter because that is where the strength is located – Mother Teresa
  • You have to earn trust every single day

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: The Diamond Cutter: The Buddha on Managing Your Business and Your Life by Michael Roach

Leadership Superpower: Joyful effort

Motivational Mantra:

[shareable cite=”John Foley”]Glad to be here[/shareable]

Book Most Often Gifted: Fearless Success: Beyond High Performance by John Foley

Additional Items Mentioned

John’s website: Johnfoleyinc.com


About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.