151 – Vocal Coach to Angelina Jolie, Sean Connery, Tony Robbins and me with Arthur Joseph

Arthur Samuel Joseph is the founder and chairman of the Vocal Awareness Institute. He is widely recognized as one of the world’s foremost communication strategists and authorities on the human voice. His voice and leadership training program, Vocal Awareness, teaches Communication Mastery through a disciplined regimen of specific techniques designed to cultivate an embodied and enhanced leadership presence as well as personal presence. He’s coached Angelina Jolie, Sean Connery, Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey, Jerry Rice, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many more. Including me. I am a participant in Arthur’s training program.

Arthur Joseph

Top Takeaways: Vocal Coach to Angelina Jolie, Sean Connery, Tony Robbins and me with Arthur Joseph

  • When I hear a voice, I hear who you are
  • This isn’t communication mastery, it’s mastery through communication
  • The blessing (and curse) of vocal awareness is it is all things to all people
  • Awareness is the first step communication mastery
  • In communication, speed is only speed, it is never how fast, only how effective
  • Everything is life revolves around a choice- to do something or not to do something
  • The fingers and thumbs generation
  • Intentional communication
  • You are in charge of the message and the messenger
  • The biggest fears in society: fear of abandonment and ownership of our power
  • Public speaking in NOT the biggest fear in our society
  • Are we taught to get approval to be who we are? From who??
  • Be who you are. No athlete or performer in the moment of performance worries if others like them
  • Lead by example
  • We cannot empower people, but we can help them empower themselves
  • We need to make our space and integral place to be
  • I don’t care about potential, we all have potential, I care about achievement
  • I want to inspire, not motivate
  • “Be My Self” – 3 words, not 2
  • Charismatic intensity – Emmitt Smith Hall of Fame speech
  • Do not be afraid to be who you are
  • We don’t realize how much work it takes to be ourselves while others watch

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Additional Items Mentioned

Arthur’s TEDx Talk

Arthur’s VIP Club

Visual Voice Pro (I’m a member)

About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.