Dealing with Dissent
From Quora:
- I don’t care if they agree or disagree I just want them to listen, think and take part in a healthy argument.
- Because I almost always think I’m right, regardless of whether I actually am. Everyone agreeing with me would keep me in ignorant bliss, and I don’t think that’s a bad way to be.
- If everyone agrees with me, the world would be in deep trouble. If everyone disagrees with me, the world would be in trouble, as everyone agrees with everyone else except me. I’d like it when everyone has their own opinion. Some will agree with me, some won’t. Others don’t care. That’s the way it should be [callout]This episode originally appeared on the Family Before Fortune Podcast which is now the Modern Leadership Podcast. To listen to Modern Leadership click here. To see the Family Before Fortune Podcast archive click here.[/callout]

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor
Dealing With Dissent [Podcast Episode 104]
Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor
Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor
Dealing With Dissent [Podcast Episode 104]
Dealing With Dissent [Podcast Episode 104]
Episode Summary: Dealing With Dissent
Seven steps we can take to positively invite productive disagreement
- Know the end goal and keep that in focus
- First solutions are not the only solution
- Be aware of your impact as a leader (charismatic, intimidating)
- Actively solicit alternate opinions
- Empower dissenters to stop dissenting and offer solutions
- Consistency – build the reputation
- Do not destroy the trust you are building
Listen to the Audio
Book on The Shelf
[callout]Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck–Why Some Thrive Despite Them All by Jim Collins[/callout]
Learning From Leaders
[shareable cite=”Jim Collins” text=”The signature of mediocrity is… #quote”]The signature of mediocrity is not an unwillingness to change; the signature of mediocrity is chronic inconsistency[/shareable]
Explore Additional Resources
10 Tips to Help Deal with Dissent from American Youth Soccer Organization