FBF50 – Celebrating 50 Episodes

We made it to 50 episodes of the Family Before Fortune podcast. It has been so much fun and I am looking forward to another 50 episodes. Today I wanted to do something different…special. Today I welcome my family as guests on the podcast as we look back over 50 episodes and how far we have come plus an interview by my daughter- Celebrating 50 episodes.

[callout]This episode originally appeared on the Family Before Fortune Podcast which is now the Modern Leadership Podcast. To listen to Modern Leadership click here. To see the Family Before Fortune Podcast archive click here.[/callout]

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor

Celebrating 50 Episodes With Special Guests

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor         Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor        
Celebrating 50 Episodes With Special Guests           Celebrating 50 Episodes With Special Guests          
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    Episode Summary: Celebrating 50 Episodes

    My 10-year-old daughter Averi interviews ME

    • What has been your favorite part of the Family before Fortune podcast?
    • Have you experienced any challenges making the podcast?
    • What has surprised you the most about the podcast?
    • Does any interview stand out as your favorite?
    • How do you define balance?
    • Do you have 1 that has stood out or impacted you the most?
    • Do any quotes jump out to you that you want to share again today?
    • What currently are you the most excited about?
    • What do you expect for the next 50 episodes?

    Book on The Shelf 

    [callout]Bold: How to Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact the World by Peter H. Diamandis[/callout]

    [callout]Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job & Your Dream Job by Jon Acuff[/callout]

    [callout]Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success by Shane Snow[/callout]

    Learning From Leaders

    [shareable cite=”Elbert Hubbard” text=”The greatest mistake you can make in life… #quote”]The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one[/shareable]


    About the author

    Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.