FBF75 – Boomerang Friends

At times in our lives we have people that enter and then leave. They play a critical role for a time and then move on. They may return. We call these boomerang friends.

[callout]This episode originally appeared on the Family Before Fortune Podcast which is now the Modern Leadership Podcast. To listen to Modern Leadership click here. To see the Family Before Fortune Podcast archive click here.[/callout]

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor

Boomerang Friends (FBF Episode 075)

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor         Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor        
Boomerang Friends (FBF Episode 075)           Boomerang Friends (FBF Episode 075)          
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    Episode Summary: Boomerang Friends

     Book on The Shelf 

    [callout]A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life by Brian Grazer[/callout]

    Learning From Leaders

    [shareable cite=”Jake Carlson”]There is growth in knowing you have made a difference [/shareable]

    About the author

    Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.