Dave Berkus is a noted speaker, author and early stage private equity investor. He is acknowledged as one of the most active angel investors in the country, having made and actively participated in over 87 technology investments during the past decade. And he is my friend.
[callout]This episode originally appeared on the Family Before Fortune Podcast which is now the Modern Leadership Podcast. To listen to Modern Leadership click here. To see the Family Before Fortune Podcast archive click here.[/callout]

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor
Berkonomics with Dave Berkus (FBF Episode 035)
Episode Summary: Berkonomics with Dave Berkus
Dave is author of “Basic Berkonomics,” “Berkonomics,” “Advanced Berkonomics,” “Extending the Runway”, and the Small Business Success Collection of eight mini-books, all addressing resource and growth issues for early stage businesses.
Book(s) on The Shelf
[callout]The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt [/callout]
[callout]Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution – and How It Can Renew America, Release 2.0 by Thomas L. Friedman [/callout]
[callout]Berkonomics by Dave Berkus [/callout]
[callout]Crossing the Chasm, 3rd Edition: Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers by Geoffrey A. Moore [/callout]
Learning From Leaders
[shareable cite=”Dave Berkus”]Explain “what” and “why” but not “how”[/shareable]
[shareable cite=”Dave Berkus”]You are your family’s moral compass[/shareable]
[shareable cite=”Dave Berkus”]“Help Me” – 2 most important words in the human language[/shareable]
Explore Additional Resources
Roboform – password management
Fitbit – more a product than a webtool but with web-engagement