Generative Value Creative Families in Business

Dennis Jaffe, Ph.D., has been a leading architect of the field of family enterprise consulting and is an acclaimed speaker and workshop leader in programs for business families and financial service firms. Dennis is a research associate at Wise Counsel Research and leads their 100-Year Family Enterprise Research Program. He is also Family Business Scholar at the Smith Family Business Program at Cornell University, a faculty advisor at the Ultra High Net Worth Institute, and a regular contributor to Forbes Leadership channel reporting on cross-generational family business and wealth. His new book is Borrowed from Your Grandchildren: The Evolution of 100-Year Family Enterprises.

Dennis Jaffe

Top Takeaways: Generative Value Creative Families in Business with Dennis Jaffe

  • Generative Value Creative Families in Business
  • Aesop’s fable- wealth only survives 3 generations
  • I wanted to study successful multi-generational families
  • Average net worth of families studied over $800m
  • This is a story of families, not businesses, the evolution of families
  • Looking for commonalities among successful families worldwide
  • Different cultures, similarities in building wealth
  • Business creators all over the world have similarities
  • Successful second and third generation companies make a shift to create non-financial value
  • 2nd and third generation wealth want to do something important
  • Successful family businesses invest in education and training of the younger generations
  • Successful multi-generational business families work together, they have family councils, set up foundations and learn together
  • The 1st generation doesn’t just tell the 2nd generation what to do, they listen and learn from the next generation
  • The 2nd generation of the business has more innovation; the first generation excels by working harder
  • The older generation has to change and grow as much as the younger generation
  • Alliance of elders, advisors and the younger generation
  • You’re not taught to listen to your kids, you must do it yourself
  • By the 3rd generation there isn’t “a” business, there are multiple businesses
  • These families don’t order people to participate, they make it fun, so they want to participate
  • Successful families make being active and engaged with the family interesting
  • The money isn’t yours; it is the family’s. The family is creating wealth
  • Your job isn’t to subtract from wealth, but add to it

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: Ready or Not: Preparing Our Kids to Thrive in an Uncertain and Rapidly Changing World by Madeline Levine PhD

Leadership Superpower: Intuition

Additional Items Mentioned

Dennis’s website:

Borrowed from Your Grandchildren: The Evolution of 100-Year Family Enterprises by Dennis T. Jaffe


About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.