Steve Lawton Henrietta

ML25 – A Ski Accident Left Steve Lawton Nearly Dead, But Full of Positivity

After a life-threatening ski accident in Colorado, doctors weren’t sure Steve H. Lawton would survive, but because of his attitude, his helmet, and a rubber chicken named Henrietta, he lives to share the wonders of positivity.

Steve holds a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M and an MBA from St. Edward’s University. Plus, 27 years of business experience in roles like: engineer in the Astronaut office at NASA an executive at Dell and TEDx Speaker.

Steve is the author of “Head First! A Crash Course in Positivity,” a story about how his attitude literally saved his life after the skiing accident. As well as practical advice on how to create a positive mindset, lead with positivity, and achieve better outcomes for individuals and organizations.

And if all that isn’t enough, Steve and his lovely wife Deanna have 26 years of marriage and 2 teenagers

Steve Lawton Henrietta

Episode Summary: A Ski Accident Left Steve Lawton Nearly Dead, But Full of Positivity

Eight proven ways to stay positive

  1. Remember: Everything happens for a reason
  2. Focus on what you can control
  3. Learn to laugh in the midst of your pain
  4. Take smaller steps to work to a larger goal
  5. Know when and where to push yourself
  6. Invest positivity into your network
  7. Create a personal positivity practice
  8. Embrace growing pains and learn from your struggles

[shareable cite=”Steve Lawton”]Allowing negative experiences to teach us something will actually set us up for the successes, victory, and laughter that will come in the future. Experiencing a setback is painful when it happens, but when we overcome it, we become better versions of ourselves.[/shareable]

Steve Lawton Henrietta

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: Insight Meditation: A Psychology of Freedom (Shambhala Classics) by Joseph Goldstein

Best Movie Ever: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Leadership Superpower: Positivity 

Motivational Mantra: 

[shareable cite=”Steve Lawton”]Everyone who comes in contact with me is better as a result[/shareable]

Best Book Ever:

[callout]The Pillars of the Earth (Kingsbridge Book 1) by Ken Follett[/callout]

[callout]The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey[/callout]

Additional Items Mentioned

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families by Stephen R. Covey

Steve’s website & Link to the quiz




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