ML96 – The Glass is Brimming with Corporate Turnaround Leader Rick Miller

Rick Miller is an unconventional turnaround specialist, a sought-after speaker, servant leader, and expert in driving sustainable growth. For over 30 years, he served in senior executive roles, including President and/or CEO in Fortune 10, Fortune 30, nonprofit, and startup companies, including AT&T Global Services and Lucent Technologies. Throughout his career, he has been recruited from the outside to turn around poor performance, specifically in difficult times. He is the author of the new book, Be Chief: It’s A Choice, Not A Title, helping leaders achieve their potential.

Rick Miller

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor

ML96 – The Glass is Brimming with Corporate Turnaround Leader Rick Miller

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor         Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor        
ML96 – The Glass is Brimming with Corporate Turnaround Leader Rick Miller           ML96 – The Glass is Brimming with Corporate Turnaround Leader Rick Miller          
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    Top Takeaways: The Glass is Brimming with Corporate Turnaround Leader Rick Miller

    • People with titles have power, people without titles have real power
    • Leadership by title is really an old style of leadership
    • How many companies are really focused on decentralization?
    • Increase the probability that your front-line workers work productivity
    • Anyone in the team influences everyone in the team
    • If you are in a company, don’t wait for permission to act
    • Define Power (leadership) today – energy, influence, clarity, confidence, impact
    • Power is never given, it is taken
    • Being Chief: Connect what you do to who you are
    • Energy is the new job security
    • Key to energy is insight, knowing who you are
    • Take time to hear your own voice
    • The energy of bringing our entire focus
    • Be a little bit more accepting of ourselves and our situations
    • Being “accepting” is not settling
    • For most of us the glass isn’t half full, or half empty, the cup is brimming
    • Vulnerability is required to show the courage necessary to be chief

    Listen to the Audio

    Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor

    ML96 – The Glass is Brimming with Corporate Turnaround Leader Rick Miller

    Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor         Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor        
    ML96 – The Glass is Brimming with Corporate Turnaround Leader Rick Miller           ML96 – The Glass is Brimming with Corporate Turnaround Leader Rick Miller          
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      Learning From Leaders: 

      Current Book: When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel H. Pink

      Leadership Superpower: Full body listening

      Motivational Mantra:

      [shareable]Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference[/shareable]

      Book Most Often Gifted: Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success by Adam M. Grant Ph.D.

      Additional Items Mentioned

      The book and the website of Rick Miller:

      Be Chief: It’s a Choice, Not a Title by Rick Miller


      About the author

      Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.