The Richness of a Life of Gratitude
Being grateful is a good idea. In this episode of the Family Before Fortune Podcast we look at gratitude. How can we cultivate more of it in our lives? We discuss eleven reasons why gratitude is so important and nine ways that we can increase and cultivate it.
[callout]This episode originally appeared on the Family Before Fortune Podcast which is now the Modern Leadership Podcast. To listen to Modern Leadership click here. To see the Family Before Fortune Podcast archive click here.[/callout]

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor
Get Grateful- It'll Change Your Life (FBF Episode 029)
On my bookshelf:
Interesting online webtool: – Create Surveys, Get Answers
Main topic:
Eleven reasons why being grateful is a good idea:
- A grateful person builds stronger relationships
- Grateful people have more friends
- Grateful people tend to pay more attention to their health
- Grateful people are happier
- Gratitude reduces anger
- Grateful people have better sex
- Grateful people are more successful
- Good night’s rest
- Grateful people make better employees
- Grateful people are more spiritual and less materialistic
- Grateful people look better
Nine ways that you can cultivate an attitude of gratefulness.
- Notice your day-to-day world
- Keep a gratitude journal
- Walk away from negativity
- Be humble
- Be complimentary
- Learn from experience
- Never complain
- Smile
- Champion causes of good
Quote of the week:
“Discipline is not doing without, it is doing within.” – Unknown
Items Mentioned in the podcast:
[Blog Post] Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude in 9 Easy Steps