There is a problem sweeping our society- it is not new-the problem is an entitlement mindset. It appears as though society is becoming more and more entitled. Do you feel entitled? It creates inefficiencies at work, disruption in the home and many other problems.
[callout]This episode originally appeared on the Family Before Fortune Podcast which is now the Modern Leadership Podcast. To listen to Modern Leadership click here. To see the Family Before Fortune Podcast archive click here.[/callout]

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor
Overcome The Entitlement Syndrome (FBF Episode 092)
Episode Summary: Overcoming The Entitlement Syndrome
People with an entitlement mindset think they should get things, opportunities because of who they are, not what they do. Often raised on rewards for activity not accomplishment. Today we talk about 9 ways we can overcome the entitlement syndrome.
6 Questions to determine if you suffer from entitlement syndrome:
- Do the rules apply to you or do you feel like you can justify not following them?
- Like texting while driving or check your phone during a movie?
- How about in asking others for help- do you want them to drop everything to help you but hesitate to help others
- How interested are you in others?
- Do you inconvenience others?
- Late or cancel at the last minute?
- Do you often say “This is unfair”?
- Or, I am not getting fairly compensated
- Are you jealous of others?
Why is it important to discuss entitlement?
- Harms relationships – especially families
- Puts strain at work
- Creates inefficiencies
- Companies are investors
How do we overcome it?
- Recognize that anything of true value is worked for
- Know you are blessed above the mean
- Accept that life isn’t fair
- Create a habit of productivity
- Introspection- a daily reflection
- Testing- give it a try
- Listen- develop a reputation of listening
- Get another’s perspective.
- Daily promotion or complimenting of others
- Gratitude and thankfulness for what you have
- Service
- Stop comparing yourself to others
- Run Your Own Race – Joel Osteen
Families- with children
- Teach
- Model
- Engage
- Give them the power
- Teach employees through transparency the fundamentals of business
- Make key performance indicators measurable
- Create incentives that align employee behavior with business objectives
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