ML57 – The Dangers of Influence Tricks with Magician Tim David

Tim David is a former professional magician, which is totally cool. Now, he spends his time teaching salespeople and leaders the dangers of influence tricks and the magic and science of prioritizing human connection. But, it is his quirky humor that makes him the perfect guest for this show. Tim writes for the Huffington Post, Psychology Today and the Harvard Business Review and has been featured on thousands of stages worldwide. He is here today to deep dive into a topic near and dear to my heart….Influence. And we are going to jump into his newest book, True Influence: The Magic of Human Connection, and how it works in the real world.

Tim David

Episode Summary: The Dangers of Influence Tricks with Magician Tim David

  • Plan B distracts from plan A
    • Find a mentor
  • Show business is a show and a business- put more emphasis on the business
  • The skill of influence turned my business around
  • Mental…action oriented
    • You need massive action for massive growth
    • You cannot “dabble” if you want massive success
    • Any safety net might get used- so take it away
  • Shift to influence practitioner
    • Let’s make a sale happen
  • Influence is not trickery or illusion
    • It is authenticity
  • Your best influence tool is your integrity- Zig Ziglar
  • The only way to get what you want is to help other get what you want- Zig Ziglar
  • If you have the best product or service, you have a moral obligation to bring it to people- Zig Ziglar
  • Influence: human connection (quality over quantity)
    • T: Technique (proper wording and approach)
    • R: Relationship (have I earned it)
      • Everything is a deposit or a withdrawal
    • U: Understanding (knowing win-win for both parties)
      • The more you know someone, the better the relationship
    • E: Ethics- is this in their best interest
      • Am I being selfish?
  • Genuine authentic people are the most influential
  • Repeat business and return clients is the value of being ethical
  • In email- you don’t have enough opportunity to build a relationship
    • Magic words
      • Close your email with “Thanks in advance” (65.7% response rate)
      • Use their name
    • Modern Leadership challenge: use thanks in advance, give it a try this week

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Learning From Leaders: 

Current Book: The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About Our Power to Change Others by Tali Sharot

Best Movie Ever: Labyrinth 

Leadership Superpower: Influence- through the magic of human connection

Motivational Mantra:

[shareable cite=”Tim David”]When persuasion is the goal, manipulation follows. When connection is the goal, true influence follows[/shareable]

Best Book Ever: Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst
by Robert M. Sapolsky

Additional Items Mentioned

The Influence Cheat Sheet – 61 Science-Based Sales Techniques:

About the author

Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.