Grass is Greener On The Other Side

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor

Grass is Greener On The Other Side

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor         Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor        
Grass is Greener On The Other Side           Grass is Greener On The Other Side          
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    Today’s Guest Expert: Matthew Sweetwood


    Matthew Sweetwood


    Matthew Sweetwood is a serial entrepreneur and start-up founder with over 30 years of business experience. He is #1 best-selling author of: “Leader of the Pack: How a single dad of five led his kids, his business and himself from disaster to success.” CEO of Greener Process Systems, he is an internationally known professional speaker, author, coach, photographer, and social media influencer.


    3 Top Takeaways: Grass is Greener On The Other Side

    • When you want to expand your business you really need to look at every aspect of it to improve
    • Working within your means will make you successful
    • Focus on things you can control in your business and prioritize things that are more important
    • Best advice to small businesses is knowing every job within your business

    Memorable Moment

    [shareable]Most valuable thing you can give your children is to love them a lot and lead by example [/shareable]


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    Learn More About Matthew Sweetwood







    Matthew Sweetwood’s Book(s)

    Leader of the Pack: How a single dad of five led his kids, his business and himself from disaster to success

    Leader of the Pack – The Book

    Small Business Success Resources

    1. Small Business Success Kit
    2. Modern Leadership Book Club
    3. Superpower Downloads: Accountable | Adaptable | Confident | Inspiring | Problem Solving
    4. Free E-Book: Mini-Motivations: Quotes to Empower the Leader in You
    5. 13 LeadershipPrinciples
    6. Get 2 free Audible Books (if you are new to Audible)


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    About the author

    Jake Carlson is a popular speaker, accountability partner, and host of the Modern Leadership podcast. Jake built his business while traveling with his family around the world. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. Read more about him here.