The CEO of a company I worked for, my first job after law school, did something to destroy all trust and confidence I had in his leadership ability. He refused to stand up and bear the responsibility of his position. He gave up his ability to influence. Be careful that you don’t do the same. Today I discuss the story of my first CEO, his leadership blunder and 9 ways that we give up influence after becoming leaders; losing my leadership.

Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor
ML17 – Losing My Leadership
Episode Summary: Losing my leadership | 9 Ways to Give up Influence
Leadership is influence- When we start to lose it, we don’t notice until it is too late.
9 ways to give up leadership
- Your team asks you for permission not advice
- Constantly remind followers you are the leader
- You lead by talking
- Assign blame
- Don’t share credit
- Delegate poorly
- Punish followers for things outside their control
- Don’t admit mistakes
- Complacency
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Jake Carlson | Podcaster | Speaker | Leadership Mentor
ML17 – Losing My Leadership
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